I Purchased a Pass for the Wrong Event

So you've purchased a pass for the wrong event.

Unfortunately passes can not be transferred from one event to another.

Here is what you need to do.

  1. You are going to have to cancel each pass that you have just purchased and request a refund.  (There is another help desk article that can help you do this)
  2. You are going to have to purchase the correct passes.

You can find your passID on your original pass email, right down on the very bottom of the email.  If you cannot see it there you can request for us to email you a purchase / transaction receipt which will provide you with a printed receipt - that has the passID included on it. 

Can't find your passID? If you need us to email you a purchase receipt please return to the webpage that you used to initially purchase the passes and click the HELP DESK link which can be found on the top right corner of the page and then click the button that says "Email Purchase Receipt"


Can I just talk to a real person? If after this you still require assistance then please return to the webpage that you used to initially purchase the passes and click the HELP DESK  and submit a support request ticket and one of our support staff will attempt to locate your purchase transaction and fix the transaction for you.